Showcasing your style on your everyday sofa

Would you like to bring your own personality and style into your home by showcasing your sofa with new cushions? Unsure what goes where? It’s a little like adding accessories to a classic favorite outfit - so we are here to help as it can be tricky at times.

The living room is typically the heart of any home, and with use and years of traffic can, date more quickly than other rooms. Our good news is you don't need to sell all your furniture to make the beloved heart of the home feel fresh and new again.

Cushions really are an effective way to update your home, especially if you have a love for home decorating and DIY-ing your space (chances are that's why you’re here to begin with, right?)

One of our most popular blog posts “8 tips to styling cushions in your home” is a great place to start on your cushion education journey. Considering the best sizes, shapes, textures and layouts for your spaces.

Do you also own one of the ‘popular everyday’ sofas we see here at Perfectly Sorted when assisting our styling clients?

  • The beige beauty
  • The neutral blue
  • The shade of grey
  • The sophisticated leather

Read on as our stylists will give you their best picks on how to add some unique flair and create a not-so-everyday styled sofa. The best part is you have the perfect framework to create something amazing!

Let’s get started! Ask yourself:

What other colours are displayed in the room?

  1. Do I have a significant piece of art I would love to highlight with colour?
  2. Does your room have a beautiful outlook and you would love to draw those colours into your interior?
  3. What colours do you like? Colour combinations that you personally like will be more attractive to your eye naturally.

How many sofas do I have to decorate and what sizes are they?

What styles do you love, or suit your home? :

  1. Hamptons
  2. Modern Country
  3. Contemporary
  4. British Colonial
  5. Scandinavian

What about this style do you like and dislike? Determining this is a great way to understand what to incorporate into your home and what to leave out or adjust to suit your personal style.

Showcasing your Beige Beauty

In the modern world, beige is considered a more traditional choice for furniture. The good news is that our stylists believe that beige is just as diverse as the trendy greys we are seeing more frequently.

The beige base means you really can create anything your heart desires.

Here are some of our favourite uncommon beige sofa combos:

  1. Blue/white pattern
  2. Pink/Green
  3. Yellows

Decorating the Natural Blue & Shades of Grey

These two styles can really go in the same category as no matter the shade of blue or grey you own, they make a great colour base for most cushion designs. Originally popular for their attention-grabbing sleekness and practical “family-friendly” tones, the grey or blue sofa is now a household staple and can be used in heritage homes to modern builds.

Contrast and tone are your friends in this styling situation. This means natural tones of creams and off-whites, vibrant reds or blues will all be effective.

  1. Naturals - textured
  2. Burgundy
  3. Blue on Blue

The sophisticated leather

Most common among families and those with pets, the peaks and troughs of the leather sofa trend seem to come and go daily. For those of us who invested in a leather sofa, chances are we are in love with it. Conditioning the leather, protecting it against pet claws and enjoying the hardwearing nature for years to come.

There are a few challenges when it comes to leather. One is ensuring the leather is maintained to avoid cracks and tearing over time. From a styling perspective, cushions can be really hard to display! Sliding and slipping is a common occurrence and can leave your hard work being used as r floor cushions rather than as decorative additions to your home.

When considering cushions for your leather sofa be sure to always purchase cushions with feather inners. The additional weight and malleability of the feather fibres mean you can ensure your cushion display is always sitting up the right way and not slipping around. Or worse - ending up on the floor claimed as a comfy bed for the family pet.

The earthy and natural feelings of leather mean we can go a little darker and less vibrant with our colour choices, and usually stick with less saturated tones like with a beige option.

  1. Forest green
  2. Cornflower blue
  3. Rusty oranges

Now you have your inspiration, it’s time for the best part of decorating and styling which is, the shopping!

Firstly, write your list and stick to it. Don’t be afraid to ask a shop assistant for help selecting cushions which go together.

Did you just stop and think “I’d love to have time to go shopping and play with cushions but when am I meant to fit that in?” We have a solution for that as well. Our expert home stylists come to you, discuss your needs and desires, create the mood board, and curate, unpack and style for you all without you lifting a finger.

If that sounds like the service you are looking for reach out to our Senior interior stylist Jordan Crowe here:

The process is simple, answer a few questions on our quick online questionnaire and show Jordan and Alyssa the rooms you would like to reimagine. Leave the rest to us!